
“My colleague joined the company after me and recently received a promotion. He is now having a higher title than me.”

“My friend’s child was accepted into the most prestigious private school.”

“Her husband is a highly successful lawyer.”

“Our neighbor owns the most beautiful house in town!”

These complaints come from comparison. We naturally compare ourselves to others. When we notice that others possess something we lack, we may feel jealous and frustrated, which often leads to our unhappiness.

On the flip side, our happiness usually also come from comparison, especially when we perceive ourselves as superior to others or as having surpassed our past selves.

The reality is, regardless of what we do, there will always be someone who is better than us and has more than we do. If we continue to compare ourselves to these ever-increasing standards, we may never reach complete satisfaction and happiness.

How about taking a moment to look at what already lie within our hands? Happiness can be found right here, right now.



